Monthly Archives: August 2013
Sketchbook pages
I’m an advocate of keeping a sketchbook. I need it for my work. I find images from newspapers or I print them from the internet, use fragments of books, do drawings, add my own writing, tape flat objects to pages, etc. It may seem chaotic but it actually helps me to organize my thoughts and my ideas. It helps me when i’m working on sculptures, installations, & films. But definitely more so when I’m working on stories. The sketchbooks become my reference library. Whenever I need to get a person or team of people on board with my vision – I pull them out. I can flip through many pages and a more comprehensive vision is shared and much more clearly. So, I’m dedicated to them. They are also a source of stream of conscious thinking for me, a play place of ideas, unhindered. I think everyone should keep sketchbooks of their ideas all the time. Here are a few pages of my own:
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Check out vimeo page
There will be more videos coming soon, especially of the trailers for film Lux/Nox so keep checking back!
Click here to go to videos.
The Raven on Eyes Towards the Dove
To read Click Here!
The Raven will be a series of essays and interviews with artists that focus on their process and who they are behind their work:
THE R A V E N, An Introduction by Katy Diamond Hamer