
LIGHT YEAR 17 “Earth Revisited”, Sept 1st, 2016 – Sept 2nd, 2016

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My collaboration video piece with Justin King “The Enchanter” will be shown in New York as a part of Earth Revisited within the Light Year series of projection exhibitions.

As humankind evolves further into digital, non-terrestrial realities, “Earth Revisited” asks artists to reexamine their relationship to the earth itself. While shifting relationships to physics and environmental science have been well explored, “Earth Revisited” seeks to reconnect to the ground and explore our contract with the dirt below us. Thousands of years of human endeavors, from the most base to the most inspired, rest in pieces beneath our feet. Throughout the world, the remains of human history create the foundations of our present and physical future. Like a dark universe of dirt, minerals, living insects and the ruins of the past create a complex constellation that represents mankind’s host/parasite relationship to the place we call home. This view seeks to serve as a template for a selection of works that, instead of looking outward and creating a survey of what is seen, are generated by looking inward; from the conscious, through the subconscious and spiritual, through the surface of the ground and into years of terrestrial history, finally into the earth’s very core. It is a deeply personal, yet universal exercise and experience, the goal of which is to represent our constant and dynamic connection to the land we live on. Our minds might have begun their gradual ascent upwards into the cloud, but our feet remain firmly rooted in the land. Up to our ankles, our necks in the past, while gazing at the stars above.

Concept/Curated by Leo Kuelbs

Artists: Nina Sobell + Laura Ortman, Danielle de Picciotto + Lary 7, Sarah Walko + Justin King, Laszlo Zsolt Bordos, Vadim Schaeffler + Pablo Paolo Kilian, Eike Berg + Jarboe, Shir Lieberman, Jonathan Phelps + Alon Cohen