
Currently on View until March 16th, 2018: Case Studies at Gallery Aferro

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The exhibition Cast Studies is open at Gallery Aferro in Newark, NJ. This installation is titled Raids on the Unspeakable.

Case Studies features 14 artists who have been invited to intervene with re-purposed, salvaged museum display cases. The majority of these cases were donated to Gallery Aferro by George Washington’s Mt. Vernon Estate’s Museum, as well as from New York Historical Society and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Large, elegant, dark wood displays, previously used for a traveling exhibition of replica objects from Washington’s life, as well as plexiglass vitrines and pedestals, will be transformed by artists from across the East Coast for a contemporary vision, creating a diverse and unique experience for the viewers because in effect each is creating an exhibit within an exhibit.


Curator, Spring/Break Art Show, NYC

FullSizeRenderCurator in Spring/Break Art Show this year, presenting the work of artist Fernando Orellana. The 2018 theme is A Stranger Comes to Town and Fernando’s piece – titled “You’ll Never Know We Were Here,” will consist of robots participating in an anonymous protest representing immigrants, giving voice to individuals to safely speak their mind. Throughout the duration of the show, the audience will be invited to submit their protest messages through a website and the messages will be made into posters for the robots to automate. The work is a parody for a serious discussion on the absurdity of the current times. In a country that was BUILT upon welcoming immigrants we now face an alarming level of media promoted separateness and fear of “other.” We respond to fear by creating. March 6th – 12th, 2018 NYC.


Lux/Nox: Film project with artist collaborator Malado Baldwin included in Fair Play Video Festival in Miami 2017

LuxNoxPosterMOFounded in 2015, the Femmes’ Video Art Festival includes not just women artists, but femme, gender nonconforming, genderqueer, and nonbinary artists as well. The selection of videos in Fair Play. is intended to foster an expansive conversation about gender, authorship, identity, and identity expression and representation. From #MeToo to #NotYouFair Play. aims to provide space for the voices of artists working in video who have heretofore been marginalized by cis-hetero identity norms. Fair Play. includes the special participation of YoungArts alumni. Curated by Micol Hebron and presented in partnership with CMX Cinemas.



Group Exhibition at Gallery Affero Opening in February 2018

Walko 6In February 2018, Gallery Aferro, in cooperation with several cultural and historical institutions including George Washington’s Mt. Vernon Estate Museum, will open a group exhibition with artists working in cabinets, vitrines, platforms, and pedestals. My work will be included and the pieces I’m making focus on women in American history. This piece is an installation I did inside a similar glass display case in a previous exhibition.



Featured Artist: In Laymen’s Terms

In Layman’s Terms is a literary journal dedicated to encouraging a new appreciation of science, technology, and the natural world. Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring helped the public understand and reject the destruction caused by widespread use of DDT. Sy Montgomery’s Birdology inspires wonder and curiosity in each chapter dedicated to highlighting unique qualities embodied by different species of birds. Hearts and minds don’t change when we shove facts down peoples’ throats. They change when we call back to our roots as human beings and connect through storytelling and emotions.
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Featured Artist in the July 2017 Issue of Split Lip Magazine

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I was interviewed for their Split Lip blog as well and that will publish next week! For the blog they asked why I use matches in my work.  My reply, “I always think of them as offering potential light, or even an explosion and I like that tension – light a candle to read by or touch the flame. I realized recently that a good number of my influences are mystics – Walt Whitman, Hadewijch II, Thomas Merton, Saint Augustine, and many more. I read a beautiful description that all mystics have a fire that burns with radical curiosity for continuously deepening levels of being and this comes directly off the pages of their work. I love any work that exists in that realme of intense fiery aliveness.”